What are Chakras?

Chakra = Sanskrit word translates to a wheel or disk. The Auravedic term refers to wheels of energy within the human body.

Each chakra corresponds to specific organs as well as physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual states of being and influence all areas of your life. Within these chakras is 'prana' (ultimate pure healing energy), that is all around us and within us, to keep us vibrant and healthy. When the chakras are open and aligned, our energy is constantly free-flowing, allowing prana to flow through them.

Chakras can be seen throughout not only ancient Ayurveda, but within modern western psychology. For example; Maslow hierarchy of needs. This pyramid is a direct representation of the chakra system - as it uncovers humans must have their most basic needs met (such as safety and security) before moving on to self-actualisation.

Below are the seven main chakras within the body and a breakdown of each!


Root Chakra

Location: the base of the spine

Linked to survival and whatever you use to ground yourself, including basic needs

Balanced: safe, centred, secure, grounded

Unbalanced: instability, anxiety, fear, ungrounded


Sacral Chakra

Location: above the pubic bone, below the navel

Linked to creativity, our passions and pleasures

Balanced: joy, pleasure, sexuality, nurturing, optimism, passion

Unbalanced: low libido, fear of intimacy/commitment, lonely, mood swings, sugar addiction, poor sense of creativity


Solar Plexus Chakra

Location: from the navel to about the ribcage

Linked to sense of self

Balanced: drive, self image, feeling of being in control, self esteem, willpower, assertiveness

Unbalanced: powerless, submissive, inferiority, digestive problems, unsure of self, obsession with power, narcissism


Heart Chakra

Location: the centre of the chest

Linked to emotion

Balanced: unconditional love, peace, compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, acceptance

Unbalanced: trust issues, lack of empathy, hateful, bitter, inability to give or receive love


Throat Chakra

Location: your throat

Linked to communication and speaking your inner truth

Balanced: clear communication, confident, creative expression, leader

Unbalanced: issues with expressing yourself, secrets, inability to listen, arguments or misunderstanding


Third Eye Chakra

Location: between the eyebrows

Linked to intuition, manifestation, inner wisdom, visualisation, clarity, serving as the bridge between you and the outside world

Balanced: imaginative, creative, high intuition

Unbalanced: can’t hear your intuition, trouble learning new skills, acting more judgmental or introverted


Crown Chakra

Location: the top of the head

Linked to spiritual connection to the higher power and the divine

Balanced: consciousness, oneness, spirituality, beliefs, understanding, awareness

Unbalanced: depression, lost/disconnection from spirit, learning disabilities, brain fog



While each chakra has its own distinct properties, they're all thought to work as a system. That means if one's out of balance, it affects all the rest. Dancing, yoga poses and mudras (hand positions), crystals, colours and reiki can all help to shift the energy and allow a clear channel for prana to flow from head to toe.


With love,



Exercise - the foundation of youth


Benefits of meditation